Glorious Exchange NUGGETS

Moses Went UP

You Are the Righteousness of God

Lift Your Voice

Lift Your Eyes

Upside Down is Right Side UP

He Loves Us


He Speaks

Prodigal Son

Glorious Exchange NUGGETS

Lift Your voice

Upside Down is Right Side Up

Moses Went UP

Lift Your Heart

You Are the Righteousness of God

He Loves Us


Prodigal Son

Enjoy the ministry of George Chadwick as he inspires and equips this generation for living strong in God. His experience spans decades in leading worship, conferences, seminars, and Mens Ministry events. His mission is to help people experience the Glorious Exchange, where  passion for Jesus runs deep and  an everlasting flow is available to us.




George Chadwick


George and his beautiful wife Krissy have 3 adult children, a son-in-law, and one ornery Jack Russell Terrier. Their days are filled with 4-Square in the drive way, enjoying a good movie, or riding their cruiser bikes throughout the neighborhood. 



George has led worship for over 25 years and been integral in developing leaders in all realms of church life. His passion is to speak on the presence of God and to see the power of the Holy Spirit touch, renew, and inspire God's people.



God has used George's anointed prophetic ministry and preaching  to bring healing, restoration and help to the hurting as God delivers and sets the captives free. 

prophetic conferences


God has given George a special grace to minister to men. His authentic, dynamic, and relatable approach enables guys from every age and stage of life to connect to the grace of God. George brings inspiration and encouragement for every man to reach the divine potential of their life.

mens ministry

About george

a synopsis

REVIVAL IS IN THE AIR! Fresh waves of worship are cascading over the nations like never before as countless people are experiencing the presence and power of God. And yet, a contrast of extremes can emerge for worship leaders. It is not uncommon for one person to be jumping and shouting, with tears in their eyes and hands raised to heaven while standing right next to someone who is seemingly indifferent, with their hands in their pockets and a blank look on their face. Are the indifferent in fact, indifferent? Are they untouched by God’s presence? Or, are there some keys that may unlock the freedom and joy that each of us hope to experience in God? If you love to worship, or if you are still trying to figure it out, this book is for you! George Chadwick uses practical wisdom, biblical concepts, and some timely humor to bring revelation and understanding to our worship experience. His insights will help reveal and remove any obstacles that keep us from being an authentic and unrestrained human being in God’s presence.

kind words

"George Chadwick is an experienced pastor and worship leader who is passionate for Jesus. No matter what your music tradition may be, you will be informed and moved by George's heart and insights. George says, "Music is a vehicle into the presence of God. It creates an entrance into his presence and that is exactly what every one of us needs." I couldn't agree more."  
- Dr. Larry Anderson (Founding Pastor of North Bible Church)

kind words

"Having known George Chadwick for over 25 years I can say that he has been one of the most influential leaders in my life! This is the book we have all been waiting for." - BJ Putnam (Recording Artist and Worship Leader)

kind words

"True and extravagant worship is what marks and defines us as followers of Jesus. As leaders, we give everything so Jesus will be seen and known. George Chadwick lives this to his core. He has never aspired to prominence or platform, but he’s aspired to a heart of surrender. I’ve watched him walk this very book out on and off the stage. I know you will be blessed by his journey and writing." – Drea Kollberg (Creative Pastor, Hillsong Phoenix)

kind words

"I have known George Chadwick since 1984. George was one of the first Christian voices in my life, so it doesn’t surprise me that his heart for people is being amplified through “The Glorious Exchange”. As a worship leader, I found nuggets on every page, but as a father and leader in my community, I found this book helpful to understand the intimate exchange that happens in my everyday worship experiences. Bravo George! I encourage everyone to not only pick up this book, but to read it with a heart that’s expecting the presence of God to transform you."
- Ricardo Sanchez (Grammy-nominated, Dove-Award, Tejano Music Award, and ASCAP Award winning Christian recording artist and worship leader)

kind words

"The Glorious Exchange will challenge, encourage and pastor your heart to encounter deeper realities of God’s presence. Thank you for inspiring us in our understanding of worship and what can be found in the presence of God." - Rena Brown (Worship Stream Director, Hillsong College USA)

kind words

"I’ve had the privilege of working with some great leaders. But, I count few of those leaders as a father. George Chadwick is a father to me. He has been a refuge to me in the darkest seasons of my life, and he’s also been a loving hand to guide and encourage me. He is one whose shoulders I have quite literally cried on. I’m so excited for the Glorious Exchange to get out to the world because it means that more people than those close to him get a chance to see and learn from the amazing work of God in George’s life. The Glorious Exchange isn’t just theory on how to be a good worshiper. It is the time-tested lessons learned from a life that has consistently surrendered himself to a God that deserves absolutely all we have to give to Him. I hope one day when I look back to be able to see a life lived in pure worship and a trail of people that I have loved and led like George has. – Chris Misterek (Prophetic Worship Leader, Recording artist, Self-Made Web Designer)

kind words

"Worship is the atmosphere of God’s government. In the book of Revelation, every movement that brings the Kingdom and justice of God to the nations is preceded by a song, by music, by adoration; and as a result, a glorious exchange occurs. While reading this book you will experience this same exchange, where the reality of God’s presence will invade your life and become your reality. George Chadwick has impacted our family and ministry in Argentina, for he demonstrates the joy of an abundant life full of the Holy Spirit. We have been waiting for this book, my dear friend George!" - Jorge A. Szczecko (Recording Artist, Worship Leader, Painter - Buenos Aires, Argentina)

kind words

"What a great book!! I have known, deeply appreciated and respected George Chadwick for many years. In his new amazing book, The Glorious Exchange, George has given us a beautiful, biblically based, in-depth treatise on worship that only a true, life-long worshiper of God could have written. He systematically unpacks and clearly explains the origin, meaning and historical development of music and worship. This powerful book contains so many important insights into the tremendous value and life-changing consequences that worship brings into the life of a believer, while also giving specific clarity about overcoming the hindrances that can hamper our worship. This book was written by a man of God who possesses both a wonderful intelligence and also a deep spirituality. You will learn much from this thoughtful, very well-researched and written book about many important things; the origins of music and worship; the nature of God and man; the history and development of worship throughout church history; the unbelievable positive benefits of being a worshiper; but you will also be inspired and motivated by the anointed life of the true, world-class worshiper who wrote it. Dig in!"
- Dr. Michael Maiden (Lead Pastor of Church For The Nations)


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