I believe that the most complicated task for God in accomplishing His will on the earth is convincing us to choose His way over our own. That’s why it is called a SWEET SURRENDER.

The Glorious Exchange

June 13, 2020

Is Finding God’s Will really a Sweet Surrender?

The realization that God made us in His image presupposes that He has built us with the same qualities that exist in Himself—reasoning, personality, intellect, the capacity to relate, to hear, to see, and to speak. In other words, our ability to express ourselves, nuanced by our own distinct and unique personality traits,

The Glorious Exchange

June 5, 2020

Did you know that God Sings?

I remember in my Junior High School there were two guys that terrorized the rest of us with their unique bullying skills. They operated separately and were completely different than one another. However, both of them were extremely effective.

The Glorious Exchange

May 26, 2020

Heaven Comes to Earth and Scatters Bullies

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